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Keep Wales Tidy 2013.

Thomas Board is the Keep Wales Tidy Project Officer for Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly, and this page has been created to show the excellent work that has been carried out on the old colliery site and the Ebbw Fawr River, using the information and photosets from his FLICKER account. To find out more about Thomas Board's work, please click on each photo, to view all the photos in that particular set on the FLICKER webpage.

March 2013 - Brynithel Battle the Brash!

Volunteers from Brynithel Activity Group, Enviro-Tools, Communities First and The Tri-County Play Association set to work clearing some rampant Pyracantha, Willow and general scrub from the borders of the Brynithel Community Park. The Brynithel Activity Group has plans to sow the newly cleared areas with wildflower seed once the earth has been turned. Anti-social activities aren't uncommon in the park, so the group wished to open lines of sight through the green space to make it less desirable to the undesirable. 16 volunteers put in 96 volunteer hours and collected approximately 20 bags of rubbish.  - (17 Photos)


April 2013 - Brynithel Battle the Brash! Part Deux.

Volunteers from Brynithel Activity Group and the Tri-County Play Association return to clear Pyracantha roots and rotate the soil ready to sow wildflower seed.  - (7 Photos)

July 2013   - EFT Scrub Clearance, Blaina.

Volunteers from Pathways Environmental and Westside and Forgeside Tenants and Residents (WAFTRA) undertake scrub clearance of encroaching vegetation from the Ebbw Fach Trail as it runs along Railway Terrace in Blaina.  - ( 9 Photos)


August 2013 - Brynithel Fun Day.

Teaching the younger members of Brynithel Activity Group and other local residents how to make simple practical items using traditional skills and equipment.  - ( 5 Photos)

September 2013 - Tidy Wales Week, Ebbw Fach Clean Up, Six Bells.

Keep Wales Tidy, Blaenau Gwent River Rangers and Communities First set to work clearing 36 bags of rubbish and approx. 1/4 of a tonne of loose waste and metal from the Ebbw Fach as it passes by The Guardian, Six Bells.  - (14 Photos)

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Website last updated Tuesday  3rd  November 2020

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